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The MakerBot CupCake CNC 3D Printer

July 6, 2010


You know Wired editor Chris Anderson’s pet idea of the moment that “atoms are the new bits”? At just $750, MakerBot’s CupCake CNC rapid prototyping machine—3D printing with extruded melted ABS plastic—made me think about it. MakerBot founder Bre Pettis compared the CupCake to the mythical Altair 8800—but you know, for 3D printing. Next on […]

Soccer Heroes of The Fifa World Cup

July 3, 2010


This article considers some of the heroes of the Fifa World Cup. Included are Hurst, Milla, and the Italian forward Rossi. The World Cup is a great soccer championship and those that play in it can become heroes for their teams, and heroes for their countries. This is particularly the case if a player has […]

Size of Spill in Gulf of Mexico Is Larger Than Thought

July 3, 2010


NEW ORLEANS — Government officials said late Wednesday night that oil might be leaking from a well in the Gulf of Mexico at a rate five times that suggested by initial estimates. In a hastily called news conference, Rear Adm. Mary E. Landry of the Coast Guard said a scientist from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration […]

Alcohol Free Fruit Cocktails -2

June 27, 2010


Delicious fruit cocktails that are good for every day use. Both non alcoholic cocktails are for 1 person. Easy for preparation and very tasty the cocktails are good for this hot summer. Fresh and good for every taste the cocktails recipes could be prepared for 5 minutes. Content Source: Bukisa – Alcohol Free Fruit Cocktails […]

How to Wear Your School Uniform Elegantly

June 27, 2010


some experts say that students of schools having uniforms do better Many schools prefer school uniforms. In fact, some experts say that students of schools having uniforms do better than those having no uniform. Anyways, whatever the reason is, if there is a rule, you have to follow it. But hey! Don’t get upset. You […]

How to Prepare Yourself Before The School Exam

June 27, 2010


We all take part in school exams. But we all do not do equally well even after having almost the same preparation We all take part in school exams. But we all do not do equally well even after having almost the same preparation. There are always some people in the class who make brilliant […]

Is online shopping a better way to shop?

June 26, 2010


Online shopping is nothing but purchasing things or your requirements from your favorite shop by browsing through the web world using internet facility. In other words, keeping yourself wherever you are and order for things whatever you want using the online channels available in the internet. Is online shopping a better way to shop? Content […]

Introduction to Statistic – Basic Concepts

June 23, 2010


Primarily, Statistics is dealing with the systematic approach of gathering, categorizing, reviewing, presenting, and analyzing the data, and also giving conclusion and comments from the observation of the data Primarily, Statistics is dealing with the systematic approach of gathering, categorizing, reviewing, presenting, and analyzing the data, and also giving conclusion and comments from the observation […]