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Bob Probert was boating when chest pains struck

July 6, 2010


What killed former Red Wings enforcer Bob Probert while he was boating on Lake St. Clair on a hot, steamy afternoon Monday? That remained a mystery Monday evening. Probert’s father-in-law, Dan Parkinson, and a family friend, Rich Rogow, held a brief news conference at Windsor Regional Hospital. They said Probert, who turned 45 last month, […]

Celebrations and sadness as Dalai Lama turns 75

July 6, 2010


DHARAMSHALA, India — The Dalai Lama turned 75 Tuesday, a milestone marked by celebrations in his hometown-in-exile but tinged by sadness that his compatriots in Tibet were unable to honour the occasion. Under relentless rain, the Tibetan spiritual leader addressed a packed crowd of 5,000 followers at his temple in McLeod Ganj, a hill station […]

Kramer Knives, Sharpest But Handy

July 5, 2010


Kramer knives are in vogue nowadays due to the intricate designs engraved on them and also due to its sharp performance in kitchen. When it comes to purchasing knives what everyone looks for is not only good design but it’s mainly knife’s performance. A knife is meant to cut things and therefore it needs to […]

Size of Spill in Gulf of Mexico Is Larger Than Thought

July 3, 2010


NEW ORLEANS — Government officials said late Wednesday night that oil might be leaking from a well in the Gulf of Mexico at a rate five times that suggested by initial estimates. In a hastily called news conference, Rear Adm. Mary E. Landry of the Coast Guard said a scientist from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration […]

Hurricane Alex 2010 latest updates: Generate anxiety for citizens in several countries.

July 3, 2010


The 2010 Hurricane Alex is formed from the destructive Tropical Strom Alex and it  is slowing making its way across Central America, generate anxiety for citizens in several countries including Mexico and the US. Alex is not as secure to being a danger to BP as earlier thought. The storm weakened after it made land-fall in Belize. […]

Hurricane Alex 2010: rage toward northeastern Mexico and southern Texas.

July 3, 2010


The 2010 Hurricane Alex effected to the Gulf Coast residents on Wednesday afternoon after at least 2 tornadoes touched down in southern Texas. No injuries were reported from the twisters close to Brownsville, although different damage was reported including downed trees, National Weather Service said. The Authorities closed the Queen Isabella Memorial Bridge, which crosses to admired […]

Water District Issues Boil Water Alert

July 2, 2010


The Greenlawn Water District has issued a boil water alert for the Commack community after discovering fecal-bacteria in well 16, on Commack Road. The well is now shut off and they are flushing the system. Residents are advised to boil water for consumption and use antibacterial soap when washing hands until the district completes the […]

Alcohol Free Fruit Cocktails -2

June 27, 2010


Delicious fruit cocktails that are good for every day use. Both non alcoholic cocktails are for 1 person. Easy for preparation and very tasty the cocktails are good for this hot summer. Fresh and good for every taste the cocktails recipes could be prepared for 5 minutes. Content Source: Bukisa – Alcohol Free Fruit Cocktails […]

How to Make Vegetable Shrimp Rolls

June 27, 2010


How to make vegetable shrimp rolls, a refreshing meal for this summer What you will need Content Source: Bukisa – How to Make Vegetable Shrimp Rolls

Young Adults With Anxiety Disorders

June 23, 2010


An anxiety disorder is an unique disturbance in mood or emotional tone. Anxiety disorders are the most common, and are thought to be the root of all mental disorders. Trauma or stress in a young adults life can lead to an anxiety disorder that may lead into adulthood if not properly treated. One of the […]