Browsing All Posts published on »July, 2010«

FIFA world cup Spain defeated Germany

July 8, 2010


First Europe and now, possibly, the world for Spain, who won through to the Final of South Africa 2010 with a 1-0 victory over Germany in Durban. Carles Puyol’s 74th-minute header repeated the single-goal triumph over Germany that secured La Roja the European title two years ago and now only the Netherlands stand between them and […]

FIFA world cup 2010 Netherlands to Finals.

July 7, 2010


It is a very glad news that the Netherlands team had reached the finals. it is no wonder, because they are having their hard work on it. and also they are very very hard working persons and so this time they are having both play and also luck. They will most probably going to face Germany after today’s Germany’s match. they are also […]

FIFA World cup 2010 Quarter finals Germany vs. spain : Clash of two champions

July 7, 2010


There will be at least one European representative in the Final of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™, after Germany and Spain go head-to-head in the second semi-final on Wednesday evening. The match gives the Germans the opportunity to avenge their defeat to a Fernando Torres goal in the final of UEFA EURO 2008. […]

Back to the Future 2: Flying car a reality

July 6, 2010


When we reported the news of the Terrafugia Transition last week we did not realize the significance of it, as Back to the Future 2 was the movie that gave us the flying Deloren. Marty McFly had to go to the future to save his kid, the year was 2015 and was when it was […]

The MakerBot CupCake CNC 3D Printer

July 6, 2010


You know Wired editor Chris Anderson’s pet idea of the moment that “atoms are the new bits”? At just $750, MakerBot’s CupCake CNC rapid prototyping machine—3D printing with extruded melted ABS plastic—made me think about it. MakerBot founder Bre Pettis compared the CupCake to the mythical Altair 8800—but you know, for 3D printing. Next on […]

Bob Probert was boating when chest pains struck

July 6, 2010


What killed former Red Wings enforcer Bob Probert while he was boating on Lake St. Clair on a hot, steamy afternoon Monday? That remained a mystery Monday evening. Probert’s father-in-law, Dan Parkinson, and a family friend, Rich Rogow, held a brief news conference at Windsor Regional Hospital. They said Probert, who turned 45 last month, […]

Celebrations and sadness as Dalai Lama turns 75

July 6, 2010


DHARAMSHALA, India — The Dalai Lama turned 75 Tuesday, a milestone marked by celebrations in his hometown-in-exile but tinged by sadness that his compatriots in Tibet were unable to honour the occasion. Under relentless rain, the Tibetan spiritual leader addressed a packed crowd of 5,000 followers at his temple in McLeod Ganj, a hill station […]

iTunes Accounts Hacked [WARNING]

July 6, 2010


An unknown number of Apple IDs have apparently been hacked this week, and are being used to buy hundreds of dollars worth of apps in the App Store. It’s not yet clear whether the problem is widespread. An initial report by blogger Alex Brie highlighted the fact that 40 of the top 50 iPhone apps […]

Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 4 Live Online Streaming HD

July 5, 2010


In the True Blood Season 3 Episode 4 , The name of this episode is “9 Crime” a little detail here, Sookie joins Alcide at an engagement party, wherein Eric given for deadline to search Bill and more.Sam broke a deal with Tommy and his parents, so Andy gets a promotion and draws Jason attention. […]

New ‘Hellsing’ and ‘Highschool of the Dead’ to Hit U.S. (Amended)

July 5, 2010


Hellsing, the beloved vampire hunter series, is back with new episodes. The setting is London in 1999 for the beginning of a day-long battle. This time around, acclaimed studio Madhouse handles animation duties and, if the trailer is any indication, Hellsing Ultimate V-VII is going to look amazing. Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works is a feature-legnth anime based […]