Back to the Future 2: Flying car a reality

Posted on July 6, 2010


When we reported the news of the Terrafugia Transition last week we did not realize the significance of it, as Back to the Future 2 was the movie that gave us the flying Deloren.

Marty McFly had to go to the future to save his kid, the year was 2015 and was when it was natural to see flying cars – so the news of the Terrafugia Transition flying car was certainly great timing, although it is five years early. So we know that the technology is there – well not as good as the movie suggested though.

Drivers will be able to purchase one of these flying cars in 2011, but do not expect to be able to go to your local dealer and then fly one home – not unless you want to get shot down by the air force for going too close to a government building.

According to USA-Daily writer Emma Christensen, the Terrafugia Transition will cost $194,000. This high price has not put people off, with pre-orders already topping 70. What other Back to the Future technology has made it to real-life?

Posted in: Business, News