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Back to the Future 2: Flying car a reality

July 6, 2010


When we reported the news of the Terrafugia Transition last week we did not realize the significance of it, as Back to the Future 2 was the movie that gave us the flying Deloren. Marty McFly had to go to the future to save his kid, the year was 2015 and was when it was […]

The MakerBot CupCake CNC 3D Printer

July 6, 2010


You know Wired editor Chris Anderson’s pet idea of the moment that “atoms are the new bits”? At just $750, MakerBot’s CupCake CNC rapid prototyping machine—3D printing with extruded melted ABS plastic—made me think about it. MakerBot founder Bre Pettis compared the CupCake to the mythical Altair 8800—but you know, for 3D printing. Next on […]

iTunes Accounts Hacked [WARNING]

July 6, 2010


An unknown number of Apple IDs have apparently been hacked this week, and are being used to buy hundreds of dollars worth of apps in the App Store. It’s not yet clear whether the problem is widespread. An initial report by blogger Alex Brie highlighted the fact that 40 of the top 50 iPhone apps […]

Windows Vista And 7 Which is Better?

July 5, 2010


In span of few years, Microsoft Corporation usually will be releasing its new version of Windows In span of few years, Microsoft Corporation usually will be releasing its new version of Windows which is their pride Operating System. Lately, the two fully released Windows version are Windows Vista and Windows 7 and due to that […]

Wikipedia down for an hour!

July 5, 2010


Today many people were surprised to find out that the popular site Wikipedia was down! That’s right, whenever someone tried to access the site they got the following message: “Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.” The site remained down for approximately an hour. Previously, the iTunes Store and Youtube got hacked, affecting millions of people […]

Electro-Lube Oil Refiner Eliminates Oil Changes

July 3, 2010


A product called the Electro-Lube Oil Refiner that has been decontaminating the oil in tugboat engines for decades is now being marketed towards commercial automobile fleets. Developed by Electro-Lube Green, the device works on internal combustion engines of all sizes, from small automobile engines to huge ocean-going tankers. Most people may not know that it […]

Lenovo Pocket Yoga Review and details

June 27, 2010


What was rumoured a few days ago about a genuine Lenovo device taken by a source from inside of a showroom within a Lenovo office by Engadget Chinese, now get full photo spread on Flickr. Lenovo confirms the existence of its mystery netbook by posting teaser images on its photo feed. Called the Pocket Yoga, […]

Is online shopping a better way to shop?

June 26, 2010


Online shopping is nothing but purchasing things or your requirements from your favorite shop by browsing through the web world using internet facility. In other words, keeping yourself wherever you are and order for things whatever you want using the online channels available in the internet. Is online shopping a better way to shop? Content […]

Make Money Online: Do You Know Why You’r Not Making Sales?

June 24, 2010


We all want to make more sales and make more money online, right? We all want to make more sales and make more money online, right? Doesn’t matter what you sell, you own product or service, or an affiliate product, this applies. If you are not making a lot of sales from your website, most […]

10 Ways to Maximize Earnings on Gather, Mylot, Associated Content, Yuwie And More

June 24, 2010


Are you member of paid to post site and want to know how you can maximize your earnings? This article will give you 10 tips that are effective in creating more hits/views to you pages, there by increasing your earnings.   Content Source: Bukisa – 10 Ways to Maximize Earnings on Gather, Mylot, Associated Content, […]